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Story of Haven Faith and Sweet Addiction TV
Not all of you have seen the miracles through our eyes as Haven's mom and dad. I am Haven's Dad (Rocky) and I can honestly say God has changed me when I though I needed no change. I can say He changed my wife when we though we had life under control. I can also say God changed my baby, who was a unplanned gift from GOD and made her the biggest testimony to others. Haven alone in the 6 months time of her life had reached 200 times more people than I ever had. I could not have created a more perfect way to reach people with the power of prayer, the power of love, and or the power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ than the story I am about to share with you.  

See this all has been a walk for some reason we decided to take you all on. Some of you started this walk with us since she was born when she stopped breathing just after Jamie had her. Some how she just started breathing again and everything was back perfect just after breaking the news to us that she had stopped breathing and she was needing to be transferred to another unit for care. The news broke us both down to tears and we began to pray and pray hard in faith. See God took our baby right then and healed her… healed her before she even made it to the other unit. When she arrived she was normal and sent back and has been breathing perfect every since. The nurses and the Dr.'s had no explanation of why this happened but we know why. God kicked us in the butt to have no other way to say it… He was getting us on the right path and showing us his power through prayer. He knew what He had to get us prepared for and knew we needed to start leaning on Him and His power. (Miracle #1)

Next was just a short 6 months later. Jamie, her dad, and I noticed a bump on the back of Haven's head. Everyone was not real concerned at first and thought this is most likely a bleed that had calcified and had gotten hard. We took x-rays just before going to the beach for Haven's first trip to the ocean. The x-rays came back to confirm some of there thoughts. They felt most likely it is a calcified hard spot that will just need watching to make sure it never grows. With this news we lined up a CT Scan for when we got back just to double check but we were told not to worry. (GODS PLAN) I feel it was God giving us some time to free our minds and get closer to him and make some awesome memories and photos with our sweet Haven. Haven has always acted perfect if not ahead of the game as for how advanced she did things so we had peace about the CT Scan to come. 

We are back from Florida now and Haven is due to have the first CT Scan. ITS A TUMOR they tell us!!!… Our hearts broke and we began to feel helpless once again. They could not tell us from just the CT Scan what it was other than it could be 1 of 3 kinds and one of them being CANCER. The Dr. kept us in the dark as to what he thought it was but clearly he thought this was a Cancer Tumor that spreads from other areas so he ordered a MRI and more CT Scans. Without us knowing he had already had St. Jude on standby for treatment. We all began this journey together at that moment. Some of you joined the prayer chain after all of this but many of you have been praying all along. We flooded God with prayer to change the tumor. Change it from the one tumor he thought it might be… GOD ANSWERED AGAIN (Miracle 2) He did just this, Changed the tumor to one of the rarest tumors the experts have ever seen. So rare that the MRI and the CT Scans would not give them and answer of what it was other than a tumor. Surgery was planned 

After surgery Jamie and I had been hit hard once again with the need for everyone to pray for Haven, we where pleased to announce that her sweet little body had been working overtime and she was doing great. We had even been told we could go home early!! (Another Blessing from GOD) 

God had this the entire time and thanks to you all we all showed Him we knew He did. Now we are home and Haven is getting better and better. We had you all and your comments to help us each day as we went to the comments for support and they all lifted us up. God has surrounded us with the best of friends in the nation if you ask me and this alone is yet another (BLESSING from GOD). 

It was a long wait for the reports to come back, and to be honest we had complete faith God had healed Haven and that the reports were going to come back as not Cancer. We were wrong…. see we thought we knew Gods plans for us but once again we had to learn He is powerful and in control. God showed us it was cancer and left us hanging a few days to see how we would take it. Jamie and I went to you all again for prayer and just knew Gods plan was bigger than our understanding of this. He didn't want us to just have a miracle baby once or even twice but now we were going to see him preform yet another miracle and that is to show us he did answer our prayer and took the Dr's hands and removed it all. Today we got the news that HAVEN is Cancer FREE!!! They believe it was all removed in surgery and the scans show no other tumors or cancer. I believe God performed another Miracle (Miracle 3) on Haven by getting ride of all the other cancer and healing her complete. Dr.'s can not explain why her urine levels were not at 0 after surgery but are at 0 now and perfect as if nothing was ever wrong… YEP ANOTHER MIRACLE FROM GOD!!! 

Now the long road of keeping Haven in our prayers will need to continue for the chances by doctors terms for it to come back are 40% in the first year but the chances by Gods terms and my faith in him are 0%. Now we need you all to lift her up as much as you can think to each day. I want God to know we are not just going to come to Him when things are bad but we are going to ALWAYS come to Him for everything in life… BIG or SMALL God can do it ALL!!! 

God Bless you all that have helped us pray for Haven. Haven is now almost 2 1/2 and she is as strong as can be. She is very smart and quick to catch on to everything and that means everything LOL. I have never forgotten this story yet I lived it and stored in in my heart as her dad. We have dedicated the show Sweet Addiction to her and getting the Blessings of God heard. We can only hope we can reach as many people that see our show for the next years to come. Haven is our hero and our pride and joy. We are now exspecting a baby boy and Haven is going to be the best big sister ever. We welcome you all to follow our life on social media and here on the show. May God bless you just as He has us in our life. 
-Rocky Burrus
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